3.3 Deforestation

In text 3.2 Carbon Dioxide, I realized that humanity is destroying one of its biggest assets when it comes to fighting CO2 in the atmosphere. The forests!!!! It is said that they contain around 861 gigaton of CO2. Furthermore, they absorb double as much CO2 than they deduced in the last two decades[1].

And yet deforestation is happening in such a rapidly pace, that it is estimated that 27 soccer fields of forests are being chopped down per minute. 27 SOCCER FIELDS PER MINUTE[2]. This number is just incomprehensible for me to grasp, because it sounds so crazy.

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4.2 What do I want out of life?

In my last text in this category, I was writing about the sentences

“What do I want out of life” and “This is how I am going to get it”.

I am going to continue to write about them in this category, because as I see it, “What do I want out of life?” is what this one blogpost is going to be about.

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3.2 Carbon dioxide

In my previous text in this category, there was a claim that;

“greenhouse gases and CO2 emission are what is really pushing our natural ecosystems, while we are emitting more gases than Earths ecosystems can absorb. Our carbon footprint accounts for 60 % of our impact on the environment and these emissions are what is causing humanity going into ecological debt” [1]

Whether this claim is correct or not, I do not find myself qualified enough to argue about.

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2.2 The Excuses – Lack of money (part 1)

I am starting with the excuse “Lack of money”. The reason why is because, I literally feel that my world, at the moment, are controlled by them. And I hate that feeling. Furthermore, I have this idea that trying to save this planet, also cost a great deal of money, otherwise I wish to believe that I myself would have already made the necessary changes in order to help this planet.

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4.1 Happy at Heart

I have always felt lost in this world that I am living in. And I have found myself in a constant struggle with low self -esteem and low self-worth issues. The result has been some really unhealthy boundary settings for myself. This combined with an enormous pleasing behavior, has time and time again caused me to end up in some really unhealthy situations. Such as staying to long in unhealthy situations and relations way after their expiring date.

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3.1 Earth Overshoot Day

Money is the currency of this modern world that I am living in, and it is my belief that as long as this is a fact, Nature is in trouble. I truly believe that with everything else in life, there need to be a balance between money and nature, if we as humanity want to survive on this planet.

A tool that can give us a hint about this balance is “Earth Overshoot Day”

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