4.2 What do I want out of life?
” The purpose of our lives
is to be happy”
Dalai Lama
In my last text in this category, I was writing about the sentences
“What do I want out of life” and “This is how I am going to get it”.
I am going to continue to write about them in this category, because as I see it, “What do I want out of life?” is what this one blogpost is going to be about. Sharing my hearts inner wishes and dreams for this life. And the second sentence “This is how I am going to get it” is what the rest of this category is going to be about, I guess 😊. Me displaying the way towards my wishes for a dream life.
In 2021 I lost 5 family members, 2 of them younger cousins, my beloved grandparents and an aunt. It was a terrible year, but in between the grieving of these loses, it also became a reminder, that life is fragile. It can end before we know it. And for me the question “What do I want out of life” became more relevant than ever.
So, in October 2021 I sat down with a blank piece of paper, and said to myself “if I have no limitations what so ever, what do I want out of life?” It took me like 30 minutes to make a list of things I wanted. I just wrote everything down that came to mind. Nothing was too big and nothing was too small.
I have to add to this, that for few years I had been following different people on Instagram and seing them pursuing or living their dream life. A lot of them with completely different values and beliefs, than the ones I had limited my own life with. And I was amazed and at the same time triggered, because these people knew what they wanted out of life and they went for it full hearted. It was so inspiring to watch. And whenever I was triggered by something or someone, I would sit with myself and ask, why do I feel like this, when I see or read this. Most of the times, it turned out, that they had something or was doing something that I my self was longing or dreaming of. So, for me Instagram has really been both a great source of inspiration, but also and eyeopener, to what is possible in life.
After feeling that I had written everything down, I organized my list in 3 categories:
1. What can I do now
2. What can I do soon
3. What do I have to wait with
The reason for this was that I had some dreams that required both time, money and energy, that I did and do not have at the moment. And by focusing my energy on them, made me lose focus on the dreams and wishes, that I was actually able to fulfill for myself in the present. It also gave me a visual plan, that I could focus on, taken one thing at a time.
So, this is my dream/wish list for my life;
What can I do now
- To live without mess
- Taking care of my own children/ having my children close to my heart
- To live a life without chemicals
- Be vegan
- Live more naturel
- Live with respect for nature
- Wholefoods
- Live with animals
- Live with joy instead of worries
- To feel that I am worth something more
- To take care of my body
- Create a new financial basis for life
- To take the education as an animal communicator
- To be a writer
- Make a blog
- To work with something, I love everyday
- To have the possibility to be really creative
- To work from home
What can I do soon
- To be debtfree/ live debtfree
- Live with nature + in it
- To live a life that doesn’t hurt the enviroment/nature, so that there is a world to pass on to our children.
- To be free of systems
- To grow my own food
- To live of clean food
- A new car
- To take the education in” Nature medicine”
- To make money as self-employed/ have my own business
What do I have to wait with
- Being financial independent of others
- More children
- To have an animal sanctuary
- To have one to share my life with, that builds me up
- Live with economic security
- A home for the children, the animals and I;
1. In nature, with trees around,
2. a home that fills me up with energy,
3. a house that is move-in ready,
4. no neighbors,
5. 2 sections
6. no pesticides thrown nearby.
- To have millions on my bank account
- Max 20 hours of work for others, preferably just working for myself
- To have a vegan, permacultural, biodynamic and sustainable farm.
- 20 hours work week, with minimum 2 incomes
So, it is a year since I wrote this list and some of my dreams have actually come true already, and let me tell you it wasn’t as I expected at all 😊, but sometimes you know, life just happens. This is what came true in 2022;
What can I do now
Make a blog – I made this blog and even though I might only have one reader (a family member 😊) it brings me so much joy writing down my dreams, thoughts and educating myself in different subjects. And hey, I made my own website, that is one big self-esteem booster for me 😉.
To take the education as an animal communicator - I am now educated as an animal communicator and this journey has just been so amazing. To get this connection with animals, that are just the most loving, wise and sensing beings, have really helped me grow as a person, both mentally, emotionally but also spiritually. I am so so happy I did this and thankful for having the opportunity.
What can I do soon
A new car - I wrote this post in October last year and 14 days later my car broke down, so I had to get a new one. Lucky for me, my mechanic had a cheap used car I could buy, and for me that was a new car 😉.
What do I have to wait with
More children - Last but none the least one of the most incredible things happened in my life. I was blessed with once again becoming someone’s mom. It was absolutely my biggest dream here in life, and sometimes I cry myself to sleep, lying with all three of my babies close to my heart, because they make me so happy.
But as one can see, the list is long, so there is still a way to go, if I want to fulfill them all. Only time will tell if this becomes my reality or if it will stay dreams. I am hoping for the first one of course 😊.