An introduction to “Keeping Mother Nature Happy”
On the 1st of August 2018 I read a headline on a Danish news site, that changed something for me. It said “Today we have used Earths ressources for the rest of 2018”. In a shock state of mind, I remember thinking - How is this even possible? How can we overuse Earths ressources?
As I read the article, I came to the realization that I had no, and I mean absolutely no relationship to this planet, that I am living on. Other than it is called Earth and the fact that I live on it. That’s it. To me Earth was just a thing. I had hardly ever given it a thought, that alle the products I buy in some way has been taken and processed from Earths ressources or are affecting it in some way.
After reading the article, I thought - Well okay, I guess something will happen political in the next few months. Maybe there will come a ban on certain foods and things for a while, maybe as consumers we will be asked to hold back on consuming certain products or keep our heads cold, if we are to experience food shortages.
But you know what? Nothing and I mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING changed in my everyday life. No bans, no holding back on consuming and no food shortages. My everyday went on as usual and honestly, I was baffled about that fact. While this article had given me a whole new awareness. I started to follow the debates on climate changes and realized that it is happening fast, like in real fast. According to the scientist’s it will be to late to reverse the consequences of the climate changes, if no action is taking within the next decade.
And this is what scares me. Why am I not affected by these climate changes or the overconsumption of natural ressources? Why is my everyday life not affected and forcing me to make the changes, that I know Earth so desperately need? And eventhough a lot of initiatives are being taken political right now in 2021, why do the all have a deadline in 2030 or 2050? When it could all be to late, to have the impact that the Earth is so desperately needing?
More importantly, why am I not doing something / more as one person to contributing to a healthier planet. Because three years after reading the previous mentioned article, I have still not committed to take action for this planet’s health. Instead I have blocked myself from action with the daily excuses of a busy everyday life;
Lack of money
Lack of time
Lack of energy
Lack of knowledge
Lack of understanding
Lack of prioritizing
Lack of courage
But with this new found knowledge, that I have gained from my research on climate changes, my bad conscious have become a frequent companion in my everyday. It is constantly triggering me with the questions:
Can you afford not to have the courage to prioritize the future of Earth? Can you afford not to try and seek the knowledge that could make you understand how “your being” is affecting the Earth in both good and bad? Can you afford not to invest your time and energy in “Keeping Mother Nature Happy”?
To me, the answer is NO. Because as a parent, I have invested in this planet’s future, with my heart and soul. And I want them to live, I want them to live a long and peaceful life full of love and joy.
So, “Keeping Mother Nature Happy” is for me a humble attempt to simply try and do better. To do better in taking care of Earth and everything it represents in a modern time, where the gap between humans and nature seems bigger than ever.
This blog is a written portrait of my disconnection and my process of going down several paths, to be connected. Because I truly belief that in the end, it is all connected.
The paths are as following:
This is a personal blog and the writings on here are what I have found of knowledge or gained experienced with in different subject/themes/areas. I am not educated in any specific field, but merely a searching soul of my future truth, guided by my intuition, heart, love and nature.
Furthermore I write in English because I like it, not because I am good at it :-). So be kind.