1.1 Let me introduce Mother Nature
“There is hope if people will begin to awaken that spiritual part of themselves… that heartfelt knowledge that we are caretakers of this planet”
Brooke Medicine Eagle
I had planned that my very first blog post was going to be a scientific based description of Earth. But under my google search I found this text. It was called “A canalizing from Mother Nature”. And after reading it, I was baffled. It really touched something inside me. Because what if she is alive? What if Earth really is a living being. Like I am still processing this text and my beliefs, so at the moment I do not have any answers, but for someone who has never considered Earth to be anything else than a thing, this text was quite breathtaking for me. Even though it is from 2010, the message is more important now in 2021, than ever before.
The text is a message from Mother Earth in April 2010, canalized by Valerie Donner from the www.groundcrew.com . It is a Danish translation that I found and that I myself have translated back into English, while I could not find the original by Valerie Donner. And now I can’t find the translated version either. But here you go, meet Mother Nature.
Mother Earth speaks strongly to my heart. It has been a while since I have heard from her. But since she is here and it is Earth Day, I will see what she has to tell us.
“ Greetings.”
“I am Mother Earth. I love you and want to ensure you, that I am with you. We are all ONE.
Have you noticed that I am showing myself quite strongly? This is because it is necessary for my health and my survival. It is a process that I have to go through. You will have to endure my changes, while they cannot be stopped. What you will experience is an upscaling of my cleansing. I have to do it this way, while one thing leads to another. Through this process I will be able to release myself from negative energies, that has accumulated inside of me, as well as on my surface. At times it feels as though I am exploding, but if I did that, you would not be able to live on me. So, I have to do it in chain reactions, while it will allow me to keep my balance. In the meantime, this will hold you busy with a chain of changes.
I have freely given you all of my resources and many of these resources will be subtracted in my cleansing and you are encouraged to find new ways to be flexible and understanding. I ensure you, that this is not in anger or to punish anyone. It is important that you understand this fact.
I have the complete support of the Creator to move forward in my own way. You will start to see how powerful I am and maybe you already knew. I do not like to show my power in this way, but I am merely rebirthing myself to a more truthful planet. It will take some time and great effort, but it will be worth it. It will be completed with assistance from many of the star nations, the entire Light realm and the Creator. We all create together and hold together. What happens to one, happens to us all.
This unity is the truth about our relationship to each other. My relationship to humanity is a co-creator. I have been challenged to survive the disrespect of my body and its resources and they have been taking for granted. The latest disasters that have happened are just the beginning of what will come and they will bring us together. We are ONE in the same energy, chemistry and light. We accepted to this together and for those of you who reads this information, you will take my request to assist me under these times of deep change.
I indeed am in need of your love and support. In return you will have all the love and help from the whole realm of Light, star nations and the Creator. Our unity will be obvious. It is extremely important, that you keep your balance and do the work of the heart that you have been called to do, in these monumental times. Follow your inner guidance and what your heart calls you to do.
I recommend you to daily unite with your heart. In this way we can stay connected with each other and I will guide you to your necessities and security if it is needed. For those of you who turns your back against me and ignore my calling, will continue to be overwhelmed by the upheavals in your life.
The time were “ Earth was at your service” is over. The new way of thinking will be “How can I serve and respect the Earth?”
I am happy for the day that you call Earth day. I would like to be honored. I love you all deeply, even though you have used me. I am happy that you are taking and interest in my wellbeing, it nurtures me. In a wonderful reunion, we will mix the particles from the Light, which makes us who we are today and all days.
I can only say that we have to be patient while I go through my process;
Let us together hold the Light in Love and Unity.
Together we will rise to the highest state of being.
Let the light shine in your heart and you will feel me there.
Mother Nature